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Eileen Hobbs
Author of the Heath Cousins

Fall is here and there are many exciting things happening starting with the Brookhaven Fall Festival on October 22 from 4-7! I'll be there sharing my books so please come by!
New Website Coming: My husband/business partner/all around great guy is redesigning my website! Stay tuned for the launch date of that!
I have a new book coming out! It's called Under the Golden Rain Tree with illustrations by Carli Valentine! I will keep you posted on it's release!

I live in Oklahoma with my husband, two sons, and two dogs.
I teach English composition to international students at a nearby university. I enjoy traveling, gardening, and spending time with my family. I'm not a typical Okie though. I grew up in Thailand, where my parents were missionaries.
My desire is to write books that have diverse characters and that take my readers to fictional places they might not otherwise get to explore in real life.
The Heath Cousins are based on the growing up years of my children and their cousins.

Under the Golden Rain Tree is about a ten year old Thai girl named Lily. She deals with a lack of confidence due to a disabled hand. One day she meets Rambu, a rare baby white elephant and her life changes forever!
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